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Next Stop

Lion is one of the more captivating movies I’ve seen over the last couple years. Based on a true story, a 5-year old boy falls asleep on a train in India and wakes up to find himself stuck on a multi-day journey that takes him 1500 miles away from his home. Which he doesn’t find again for 25 years.

As my train begins to pick up some speed, part of me is afraid that I’ll fall asleep at the worst time and wake up on the wrong side of the tracks. Or maybe my earbuds will keep me from hearing the conductor call out the next stop where I want to get off. I imagine that actually happens on trains and buses all the time. While this requires an inconvenient u-turn, most people can usually find their way back.

But what if we can’t go back because it’s actually a lost opportunity? Or we missed out on a potential life-changing relationship? Will the route of our lives look entirely different going forward if we aren’t paying attention?

I think these are normal and frankly common questions for all of us, no matter what we think is (or should be) up ahead. Yet if I’m not careful, these second-guessing questions could not only haunt me but paralyze me from taking any action. Not just the big hairy risky stuff but even the most basic decisions that are right in front of my nose. Uncertainty and fear can get circular in a hurry and by its nature cloud and distort both my hearing and vision for my next stop.

As I’ve been pleading in prayer for clarity on my next chapter, I woke up this morning with a specific directive that was both clear and calming. I’m not sure if you’ve ever had a light bulb moment where something gets crystallized in an instant. Or maybe a specific word or face keeps coming back to your mind. Or a song that won’t get out of your head. I bet there is a lot of science that can explain or unpack these “aha” moments, but I like to think it just might be the Spirit poking me with a reminder that He’s with me. And for me. And ready to roll as long as I’m surrendered and willing to follow.

Today most certainly felt like one of those Spirit-breathed moments, largely because I literally opened my eyes and immediately heard the following:

You’re next stop is a WHO.

Not a WHAT. Certainly not HOW. Not WHERE. Not even WHY, which is something I’m quite passionate to embed in everything I do. Just WHO.

One of the most influential books I’ve read over the last decade is The Call by Os Guinness, which is centrally written around finding and fulfilling purpose in your life. But his core argument is what I heard in a new and different way this morning. Our primary calling is not something but someone. It’s Jesus first and everything else second.

Another podcaster helped me rethink the typical Christianese “God first, family second, others third, etc.” He said it’s really supposed to be God, space, space, space, space (x100)...then others. Which is effectively a simple picture of the first commandment. First things first.

Ok, God (which by the way is way better than Google’s AI call) – so you have my attention. It’s WHO over all. So now what? How do I actually maneuver and translate that into tangible next steps??

As I’ll continue to think through this “now what” follow-through, there’s really just one more directive that is rattling in my head. And it’s not just for me but also for you. And it’s been the invitation for over 2000 years starting with a few knucklehead fishermen.

“Follow me.”

He didn't say know me or talk about me or argue in my defense. Just come follow me.

And oh yeah, Jesus says to be prepared. Don’t fall asleep. Get up. Stay alert.

I might just ask you to get off here.


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